The Ukraine War: Glenn Diesen, John Mearsheimer, Chas Freeman, Jeffrey Sachs & Lawrence Wilkerson

A compilation of analysis about the Ukraine War, Jan 05, 2025


Russia’s Shadow War on NATO — Helsinki Commission Congressional Hearing

This Helsinki Commission Hearing examines the scope of Russia’s hybrid warfare tactics, their impact on NATO’s security, and strategies to effectively counter these threats. Chapters: 00:00 – Opening Statement by Chairman Joe Wilson 02:25 – Map of Russian Hybrid Operations on NATO Territory in Past Year 04:49 – Opening Statement by Ranking Member Steve Cohen 10:12 – Russian Spies, Sabotage, and Black Ops – Testimony by Michael Weiss 19:48 – Russian Attacks on Energy Infrastructure – Testimony by Dr. Benjamin L. Schmitt 26:42 – Estonia’s National Security Advisor Erkki Tori…


Why the U.S. Misjudged Ukraine — The Influence of Russian Imperial Narratives on U.S. Policy

Why the U.S. Misjudged Ukraine — The Influence of Russian Imperial Narratives on U.S. Policy Yale Professor Timothy Snyder testifies before the U.S. Helsinki Commission at its hearing on Russia’s Imperial Identity. In this segment, Snyder explores the connection between Russian empire and the way the United States has thought about the Russo-Ukrainian war. Snyder suggests that many Americans are aware of Russia’s big history, big literature, and big past, such that many Americans imbibe the Russian imperial narrative according to which other peoples were secondary, irrelevant, troublemakers, nationalists to…


Why Putin Invaded Ukraine: A Crisis Manufactured to Rewrite the Global Order | Fiona Hill on 2/2/22

February 2, 2022:  Three weeks before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, as Russia was amassing nearly 200,000 troops near Ukraine’s borders and NATO & U.S. intelligence warned of an imminent attack, Fiona Hill testified before the U.S. Helsinki Commission to explain Putin’s motivations. Fiona Hill previously served as Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for European and Russian affairs on the U.S. National Security Council. Chapters: 00:00​ – A Crisis Manufactured by President Vladimir Putin 00:52​ – Moscow Re-Asserted Itself as the Dominant Force in Eurasia 03:19​ –…


The Ukraine War as a Proxy War for World Order – Prof Glenn Diesen and Petr Drulák

Key take aways² a.  The US ambition to establish a world order based on hegemony manifested itself in NATO expansion b. Abandoning the agreements for an inclusive pan-European security architecture based on indivisible security and reviving zero-sum bloc politics has been the source of conflicts ever since.  c. The Ukraine War as a symptom of the collapsing unipolar era. d. The Ukraine War as a driver for multipolarity as the wider world has begun to construct an alternative international economic system and a multipolar world order. ____________________ 1. Prof Glenn…


Ukraine Needs Help – by Francis Fukuyama – Persuasion, Sep 18, 2024

«Όταν ο Francis Fukuyamaª συναντά τον Mearsheimer » Ένα άρθρο, πολύ μεγάλης βαρύτητας, δημοσιεύτηκε από τον Francis. Βοηθά όλους να κατανοήσουν την πολύ σοβαρή πιθανότητα κλιμάκωσης του πολέμου σε πυρηνικό πόλεμο, εφόσον, είναι η πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία των κρατών που ένα κράτος εξοπλισμένο μέχρι τα δόντια με πυρηνικά, προκαλείται από ένα κράτος που δεν έχει πυρηνικά • δεν πρέπει βέβαια να μας διαφεύγει ότι, για τη Δύση διακυβεύεται η αξιοπιστία της να υποστηρίξει ένα κράτος που επιθύμησε να ενταχθεί στη φιλελεύθερη τάξη πραγμάτων δηλαδή να γίνει φιλελεύθερη δημοκρατία. Η αγωνία…
